When visiting Orlando, make sure you schedule some time to visit this unique winery based on sustainability. You will find that their approach to producing wine is a story that needs to be told. Check their website for a calendar of events. And, you can buy these outstanding wines online. CLICK HERE

What do you call two good friends, living in Central Florida, who decide to open a winery? CRAZY! Well, that's just what Jill Ramsier and David Forrester did, after an evening of more than one glass of wine.
Quantum Leap Winery grew out of a concern for the environment and sustainability of wine grapes and how they are grown.
David is an environmental industry pioneer and Jill is a former food and beverage executive... the perfect combination of Yin and Yang that has allowed them to become successful "winos." Their shared affection and knowledge of wine and wine-making combined with their former business expertise is a natural blend that has propelled Quantum Leap Winery to be a successful enterprise.
The Quantum Leap Winery model is to search for good quality, sustainably grown wine, wherever it is around the world but to transport it in large vessels to the Orlando winery. It is in this facility where wine will be stored, finished, blended and packaged. Jill and David know this process substantially reduces the carbon footprint associated with traditional wine production.
Jill and David designed the Quantum Leap Tasting Room for sophistication, comfort and conversation, validating the concept that great wine and those who love great wine deserve a great space. Their standards are high; Jill and David will partner only with high-quality producers from the world’s premier wine-growing regions. Their mutual experience in business and in wine is the blend that propels their Quantum Leap.
WineLineRadio.com is proud of our association with Quantum Leap Winery and, always, looks forward to sharing a glass or two of their latest offerings with Jill and David.

Left Top to Bottom: Pouring a taste, The Wine Bar, Production / Cellar Room. Above: Friends enjoying conversation and a taste. Below: Typical Event Evening at Quantum Leap Winery
Listen to my interview with Quantum Leap Winery. Just click on the start arrow below the microphone